Unitised Curtain Walling

The development of Unitised Curtain Walling (UCW) has increased greatly in recent years.  This is largely attributable to factors such as the increase in building height, the demand for recladding of older buildings, and the ever increasing drive to reduce “on site” programmes.  Unitised construction is the façade industry’s reference to “off-site” construction.

UCW consists of manufactured and pre-glazed storey high units or panels normally constructed from aluminium profiles or steel framework that are fully completed prior to going on site, including all fenestration choices from glass, stainless metal panels, insulated spandrels to stone cladding.

While it can be said that with Stick Curtain Walling, the rate of progress on site is slow due to factors such as weather dependency and access requirements, none of these are an issue with UCW as the primary benefit of this option is that installation time is greatly reduced and external scaffolding may not be required.  This can mean a substantial overall cost saving on the project.

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